About Us
Welcome to the newsX Revolution
Backed by blockchain technology, NewsX is an innovative online service where publishers who manage news content for legitimate circulation, producers experienced in creating professional news content, and originators offering original sources for news content come together as a publishing community on one decentralised platform.
NewsX is rebuilding the lost network of regional publications and specialist media that was once at the heart of generating news that could be trusted.
New technology in the news industry is regularly blamed for the demise of once dependable news publications, but we aim to make it support what we do, rather than damage it. With it we are building networks of influencers, experts, and people with a passion with the latest advances in their area of specialist interest to generate original content using virtual newsrooms with human editorial teams.
Our professional partners who take out a NiFTy (News Funding Token) subscription can then sign up either as news originators, feeding content ideas into the machine, news publishers who work B2C to distribute the content, and news producers which are the editorial teams including editors, journalists, video and picture editors and many more that work on creating content that guarantees the NewsX brand. NiFTies are renewed annually and cover the operating costs of the non-profit NewsX organisation.
A virtual newsroom brings all of the NewsX communities together, and a sophisticated taxonomy allows the efficient movement of content between related editorial teams, publishers and consumers of news.
NewsX is a Community Interest Company (CIC) where the purpose, as enshrined in its constitution, is not profit but journalism. That allows us to put 100% of the investment in NewsX tokens back into the editorial teams that run our network of communities. We also offer goods and services for commercial partners that can be purchased with NewsX coins.
NewsX for publishers provides free content, editorial services, and many more partnership opportunities to help them build their brand and strengthen their market position.
NewsX for producers (or editorial teams) provides payment for editorial services, as well as the advantages of being connected to a powerful media network that will give you access to the best stories.
NewsX for originators (or content creators) is for those that care about areas where independent news coverage is underrepresented, whether geographical or specialist news, and also for commercial partners with real ideas that they want to get exposure for without the enormous costs of public relations news wires.
But above all, NewsX is about the editorial teams that all too often are the worst paid and the worst treated in a poorly regarded profession that is often voted the worst in the world, when in fact it should be voted the best.
Our Partners

What Sets Us Apart
We Rebuild
We are rebuilding local and specialist news communities, restoring an important content source
We Connect
We bring experts, influencers and editorial teams together to generate content that matter
We Are Non-Profit
We are a non-profit Community Interest Company with the purpose of advancing journalism
We Are Fair
Publishers get free content, editorial teams earn safe incomes, and PR costs for real news are slashed
We Are Independent
We are independent, ensuring an enduring separation between advertising and editorial
We Are For The People
We are conceived, developed and operated by journalists – for the benefit of journalism