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The primary objective of NewsX is to empower editorial teams to cover the stories that matter, and get the recognition they deserve.

By joining the NewX editorial community you get access to the following package:

* Payment for work in ‘Newshound’ coins. These can be used to access NewsX editorial services and will increase in value as the project progresses.
* Editorial Support. Secure your unique NewsX byline, web page, directory listing and press pass for accreditation.
* Training. Whether an experienced profesional or apprentice, we offer training for new roles and challenges, which means more potential to earn Newshound.
* Reputation. NewsX generates independent content and demands you are properly bylined for your work as an accredited NewsX editor.

The two many years, the role of the journalist has been neglected, and as part of a return to traditional values, we were developing the following community services as well:

* Investment in software tools for content creation.
* Journalism Without Borders.
* Fake News Wire.
* Industry News Wire.
* Journo-listed Page
* Copyright Guide.
* Expert Directory.
* Influencer Directory.
* Copyright Free Music.
* Charity Fund For Journalists
* Training Manuals and How To guides.
* Istanbul Convention Campaign for Women’s Rights.
* Code of conduct.
* Style Guide.

If you are an experienced, or budding, journalist, reporter, editor, multimedia creator/editor, or photographer and want to get involved in NewsX, you can sign up in the form below for obligation-free access to the restricted news producer area of this site where you can find out how choosing to participate in the NewsX global newsroom can accelerate your career and boost earnings.

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